Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Make Do & Mend ...

This is the 1940s-style pouffe/footstool made a few years ago as a textile experiment of patchwork-smocking-quilting combined. It was made as a result of some research re: WWII 'Make-do-&-Mend' & has been worked using period techniques from the time. It utilises a variety of authentic textiles & haberdashery as well as 'left-overs' in my own 'stashes' - it also was filled entirely in old stockings & pop-socks collected together & then cut into small pieces. For this reason, it is very heavy & ideal as a seat! The outer 'skirt' is detachable both for cleaning & decoration to change its appearance (more pix if you click here).

NOTE: Currently I'm on an artistic journey which involves recording all my works - past, present & into the future! Because of my background, I also like to revamp & renovate items (very Make-do-&-Mend and Recycle !) & often find it extremely challenging. If you click on this link, you'll find some of my recent works gradually appearing. Ultimately it will include a wide range of things from small decorative items to home interior decoration.